How do I really compare apples to apples?

If you focus on price alone, you might be assuming all the rest (people, process, product) are the same from one company to the next.  This is a horrible mistake to make.  So how do you compare apples to apples?

Really, you need to get granular.  Ask the tough questions!

  • how many sets of cabinets do you paint in a year?  Can I call those people?  Can I visit one or two of the sites?
  • how long have you been painting?  or how long has the person been painting who will be on my job?
  • what type of cleaning agent do you use?
  • what type of primer?
  • what type of finish product do you use?  is it specifically for cabinets?  is it brittle?  is it too soft?   what is the recoat time and do you obey it?  how many coats of paint do you use?
  • how often do you run into issues or call backs?
  • what if I’m not happy with how something looks?
  • do you belong to professional groups?  are you actually active in those groups or is it just a marketing stamp on your things?
  • what is your warranty?  what are the EXCLUSIONS in your warranty?
  • have you had warranty claims?

The truth is, every person you meet will say that there way is “the best way” or “that it works” or “they’ve used it before” or have “happy customers.”  But, can you imagine if they told you the opposite of those things?  Of course they wouldn’t.  So, it’s up to you to read between the lines and make great choices!

Happy Customers
Gallons of Paint
Cups of Coffee
Paint Spills