Mike Madson Makes a Run for NARI Milwaukee Board of Directors

Owner Mike Madson is making a run for the NARI Milwaukee board of directors. As a well-established interior painting and cabinet painting company, Mike feels it is important to give back. NARI Milwaukee is a great organization and Colorwheel is a proud member. Here’s what Mike wrote up for his bio. Hopefully he wins a seat!

Hi I’m Mike Madson, the owner of Colorwheel Painting. I’m a Waukesha resident, husband to Breah, and father of Evie 9, James 7, and John John 5.  In 2004, I started Colorwheel with the goal of creating a thriving, structured company that provided commercial and residential painting and decorating services.   In business and life, I believe firmly in accountability, responsibility, and ownership as guiding principles.  I dare to dream, and would rather dream big and miss than aim low and hit.  This has led to the building of a great Colorwheel team, an up-and-coming new bigger location, and a great work culture.  If you don’t know us yet, I hope you will in the future.   My ambitions for a board of directors seat with NARI Milwaukee are driven by a love for NARI and the positive impact it’s had on myself and the business.  That said, it’s time for me to give back.  While I want to carefully honor the longstanding traditions in place, I believe there are some things NARI could do better.  One key item I’d like to pursue is creating more recognition for specialty trade members and suppliers who are the best in their field and/or demonstrated exceptional service.  Next, I’d like to explore co-branding ideas that are beneficial to NARI and its membership base. Therein, we all spend a lot on marketing, so I can’t help but ask how we can better leverage our reputations and dollars.  Beyond these two large goals, I will continually put my best foot forward in analyzing what NARI does, and how things could be better for all of its members.  I may stir the pot just a little, but hey, sometimes good things come of it.  Thank you! 

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