Paint Supply Issues in the COVID Era
Since COVID was released into the world, it seems every industry on earth has been affected. Including painting. At first the only concern was the health and well-being of customers and our staff. New protocols were put into place. Time off for cautionary quarantine became a normal part of our scheduling. Working around absences while employees cared for school-displaced kids or an ill loved one was another common obstacle. Nearly every customer’s project became delayed. Some customers had to delay our professional painting services. Luckily, everyone was in the same boat and had to exhibit patience to get over these hurdles.
Now, of all the things we didn’t see coming, it is the paint shortage that has caught us by surprise. Yes, a paint shortage! Who knew? It does make sense though. Many of the raw ingredients used in making high quality paint come from foreign lands. So, when the supply chain got struck with delays, the manufacturers simply didn’t have enough raw goods to turn into paint. This has lead to shortages of both specialty products and more routine, commonly used paints.
At this point, our professional painters must plan projects well in advance. Gone are the days of just going to a store and buying whatever we need. Instead, paint color and sheen selections must be made well in advance of a project start. In some cases, selections must be made 3 weeks prior so that product can be shipped. More typically, four days of notice can get things done. This allows orders to be placed at multiple stores, and product rounded up to meet the needs of a project. Thankfully, an experienced, well-staffed company is able to do this and make sure a project goes smoothly!