Cabinet Painting Color Selection: Tips for Success!

Choosing a color for cabinets is a major decision and due to the cost of cabinet painting in general, redoing them is not a cheap date. Here are some tips to help you end up happy!

  • Have samples in hand, as pertaining to your project.  Flooring, countertops, hardware, etc. to coordinate all items.
  • Use colors from Benjamin Moore (obtain at Devine, Ace Hardware, Village Paint, etc.)
  • Make the selection IN the space it’s going into, with the lighting you’ll have.  (So not in the store, or with old lights, or chosen from a computer screen.)
  • Select colors at the time of day you’re most likely to enjoy the space, for most people that’s late afternoon/early evening.  Yes we eat breakfast, but few of us linger there for long -at least until retirement or the weekend hits.
  • When in doubt, have your contractor provide sample colors for you; sometimes on the doors themselves
  • When in doubt, get referrals for an Interior Designer to come help, some are Kitchen & Bath designers specifically, others do even more.

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